Your nutrition paired with a structured training program is key to seeing any kind of result. I find that a lot of people are still getting overwhelmed when it comes to where to start with their diet in order to achieve their health and fitness or body composition goals. There is so much information out there these days when it comes to FAD DIETS, FASTEST WAY TO SEE RESULTS, which can be defeating and cause a lot of people to never want to start in the first place. Like anything it takes TIME, CONCISTENCY, PLANING. REPETION AND BALANCE.
Each person's body operates differently!!!!
Your PERSONAL weight is dependent on your personal energy balance, which is the calories you consume and the calories you burn each day. This number is different for each person and depends on many different factors. If you are struggling with your current plan, it's probably because it isn't completely customized to you and your goals as well as your body type.
This is where my coaching can take you to that next level!